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Knowledge / Separation Methods / Others / Two Separation Methods

Two Separation Methods: postage stamp with intended style issued with two types of separation

Without Separation and Die-cutting: postage stamp with intended style issued without separation and with die-cutting

Without Separation and Perforation: postage stamp with intended style issued partly with perforation and partly with perforation

Rouletting and Cut: postage stamp with intended style issued partly with rouletting and partly with cut

Rouletting and Die-cutting: postage stamp with intended style issued with rouletting and with die-cutting

Rouletting and Perforation: postage stamp with intended style issued partly with rouletting and partly with perforation

Cut and Die-cutting: postage stamp with intended style issued partly with cut and partly with die-cutting

Cut and Perforation: postage stamp with intended style issued partly with cut and partly with perforation

Die-cutting and Perforation: postage stamp with intended style issued partly
with die-cutting and partly with perforation

Angular Die-cutting: philatelic term for a postage stamp that has been die-cut on two adjacent sides and cut on the other two sides

Angular Perforation: philatelic term for a postage stamp that has been perforated on two adjacent sides and cut on the other two sides

Self-adhesive sheet with wavy die-cutting between the stamps and cut on the outer edge

straight at the top and left

straight at the top

straight at the top and right

straight left

four-sided wave-shaped

straight right

straight left

four-sided wave-shaped

straight right

straight left

four-sided wave-shaped

straight right

straight left

four-sided wave-shaped

straight right

straight below and left

straight below

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